Woke Up Like This...!

Waking up in the morning is a pain. In this season. The rain clouds are all over the place showering their water-love on nature. If at all there is a glimpse of the sun, by the time I hit the road, the clouds drift back in. Our little ‘London London.....Statue!’ game is unending till I reach my workplace drenched to bits. Every single day.

So anyway, let’s chuck my mid- life crisis for now and head a bit into the flashback...to the time where I wake up. Remember the whole ‘woke up like this?’ selfie that many people nailed? I wonder how they managed to look like Greek Gods with absolute messy appearances. I bet my early morning selfie could scare a child to sleep again and haunt for years to come.

Mornings were never my favourite part of the day. And with growing responsibilities they continue to suck even more. But some things are just too pretty to be avoided. One of them is this panoramic view my large bedroom window offers each drizzly morning. These lush green grasslands totally make up for the painful alarms that go off even before the sun is up.

More than once a week I lie at dawn struggling to open my eyes, contemplating whether I really need my job. The window is always up for rescue, offering me a quite solace, a world to look at and cherish, for the rest of the day looks nothing like this. These moments are brief and are world apart from the chaotic pandemonium of streets, some rain, honking horns, race for the favourite office parking spot, the log in time at work, the deadlines, the quick lunch, the travel back home, some more rain and finally bed.

This window really becomes my katta on the days it pours over the city and when I’m surrounded with music or when two freshly brewed cups of coffee warm our hands on cold evenings. It even helps to sit through the weekend clutching a private journal or a deep meaningful novel. There are innumerable sunsets this view has offered me and quite a lot of times made me want to paint. Likewise innumerable nights when the far off houses and mountain top resorts portray their presence with bright lights.

All in all I now understand the importance of living in annexe part of the cities bustling with life. I sure do love waking up like this although hitting the snooze button remains my beloved choice. 


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